That's Too Bad - Episode 004 - Masters Hangover

Matthew Walaszek (00:06)

of that's too bad. I've been away for quite some time I understand that I know that traveling, weddings, family functions so forth but I'm glad to be back recording and talking our favorite subject our only subject and that's game golf here and let's let's be honest here since the last time we've chatted and since I chatted a lot has happened we've had the first major happen

And, I mean, I just want to, let's dive right into that. The Masters was definitely an interesting tournament this year. And it's always interesting and exciting. And there's always drama and different storylines. It's just, you know, year after year. I think the biggest storyline here is Scotty B Scotty Shuffler. You know, kind of, beating a dead horse, I'm sure with the media, the golf channel.

social media all across the board, all these other podcasts. I've already probably talked about Scotty Shuffler, right? Here's the thing. I think my last episode or two episodes ago, I think I had mentioned, you know, Scotty is. He's not on Tiger Woods trajectory yet, but I see glimpses of an early Tiger Woods as far as more of like the success and.

I mean, really pure dominance. I mean, you know, I mentioned before, and I think I've tweeted it out and that's, you know, the switch from the blade putter to his now mallet putter has really made a huge difference. Not in just his putting, but the overall. Force of his game. He's been one of the best ball strikers on tour. Everybody knows that that's going back.

over a year and a half now and the missing piece especially from last year was his putting and he makes this dramatic switch to a mallet putter which i think for the pros when you play with one style of putter for so long and you make a switch an equipment switch i mean you usually think there's a little bit of lag time to get acclimated get the feel of it for scotty that had to have been like 24 hours because

right out the gate. He started playing extremely well. We started seeing Scottie from over a year and a half ago and we're continuing to see it as pure dominance. And we saw it at the Masters. The Masters this year was quite, I mean, it's going to be difficult because it's a major and Augusta National have never played it. You can only read and listen to what the

pros talk about and all the golf handles and it's a tough course. This year especially the winds on Thursday, Friday, I think really posed a huge challenge for the golfers. You saw a lot of guys ending up short of the green or you clearing the green completely. And that was due to just the wind taking the ball. Really not so much the yardage factor themselves, but.

Either miscalculated the wind or didn't calculate the wind at all for some of them. And we saw a lot of high, higher scores. And so I was looking at the scoreboard at the end of Sunday and we only had eight golfers in the entire field. And for a major that's wild to me. It almost brings me back to like some of those open championships over in, in Europe there.

where, you know, a few years ago, I think it was where I mean, it was playing so difficult because of weather and conditions that I think the winter at one point, again, this could be even longer than a few years ago. And it really, I think was like six, seven under something like that. So it was, you know, kind of a wild masters just from that aspect. Watching it throughout the four days and even like the.

Part 3 contest, you know, I noticed that the greens were very slick and quick. And again, you know, that's to be expected of a major championship, but for some reason it just seemed, it just kind of stuck out to me this year was even quicker greens. And I don't know if that had anything to do with the weather or conditions out there. You could definitely tell though, it was playing a major factor. A lot of butts were missed.

And not missed drastically. They were missed. It was missed slightly. They were missed on the high side or the low side. And what was crazy is when you know how the greens are that quick, it's how they just continue to run and keep going. You barely touch the ball and you think it's really going to make it to the hole. And yet here it goes. It just continues going, going, going. And we definitely saw a couple of those throughout the turn.

overall though, I mean, this masters was exciting. I mean, we definitely had again, like every major, like every year we got storylines. Scotty definitely is one of the big storylines with his wife, soon to, you know, they're about to have their first child. You got to hear in the rumors that he was kind of pulling a Phil Mickelson from years ago where he had somebody walking with his group.

And, had his cell phone on standby in case something happened. we've heard, you know, that he could potentially leave early. if she did go into labor, even though, you know, I think I read or saw on Twitter or something that, you know, she, she's not due for a while or I want to say a while, but it's definitely at least another month or month and a half. So, but you never know.

I guess, for pregnancy. So, you know, that really, I think, became a bigger storyline than I think it really needed to be. I think Scottie, you saw in press conferences and everything else after each round, it kept getting brought up. You could tell he was kind of just getting sick of the same question over and over again. And to be honest, I think that happens a lot in golf. It's the same damn questions from the media over and over again.

You've seen it time to time, Bruce Capra kind of rolls his eyes. Tiger Woods has done it before, you can tell. I don't blame him either. After about the fifth, sixth different time, you know, it's like they're just hoping you slip up or you won't make it to the end. The other storyline, though, I thought was huge, not even a storyline, just overall performance in the whole Masters was...

The guy that finished second place and that's Ludwig Ober I was just watching his highlights through the last round of the Masters not too long ago here This guy's got such an eye for this swing It really just seems like he's just kind of I don't want to say going through the motions but it's kind of what it looks like he's just he brings the club back Great back backswing comes through, follow through

It's almost like, you know, he's not trying to be like Rory and drive his knee and hip into the ground, his left leg and, you know, overpower the ball. Yet this guy could hit it a lot. And what I noticed too in the final round was his control with his wedges and his low irons there were some of the best shots throughout the tournament. And his putting too was, you know,

above average for that tournament at least when you're comparing it to the rest of the field. This guy's got a lot of talent and you can definitely see why Luke Donnell had him on the right of way. This guy's a gamer and I definitely am going to predict that he is going to be contending for not just you know regular tournaments throughout the season. We're going to see him again at

the BGA in the US Open and I guarantee he'll be up there intending and if not potentially winning his first name. But yeah, it was great to see him and how he performed there. I'm looking forward to seeing how he plays it. Definitely have never really seen what his style of play is or really even know too much about him until the Masters weekend.

I mean, I remember watching him during the Ryder Cup, but that's about it. I love what I saw from him and he's definitely going to be one of these guys that will be kind of tuning in throughout the season moving forward to see how he's been doing in these tournaments here on out. Another big story, and I think it's a story that it's not even a story. One of the bigger topics or whatever you want to call it is.

The performance of Bryson Deeshan. He goes out and I mean he's looking like he's out there on a mission, man on a mission the first two days. Really first two and a half days. Plays extremely well. I mean typical Bryson. He's pounding the ball, he's getting it close and he's making his pass. I mean say what you want about the guy and his...

Science background and everything else that I think drives people nuts about him When he gets on the greens, he is definitely one of the better putters in all his Reading of greens and understanding the speeds and the slopes He's definitely got a You know patten down for what he's doing now he does take a little bit longer on the greens to do so which I know frustrates other golfers and

It really does kill the kind of speed of play a little bit. And, you know, is I mean, I've generally been known as a quick speedy golfer. I get frustrated when I'm playing with, you know, someone that might be a little bit slower, at least if it's not something I'm well aware of going into that round, who I'm paired up with or so forth. Yeah, I could see why it's frustrating. He walks around the whole putting green, looks at all the angles.

And the math and science starts kicking in. He's calculating it to a degree in speed. And it's, when you're not playing, it's a little fat, it's, it's fascinating, but it's something I'll never try to locate or understand. I'm not smart enough to probably understand it. And that's why he it's worked for him for really since he's been on tour and.

Y's been one of the top putters. Live, EJ, tour, whatever you want to call it. Both sides of it, he's always been a pretty good putter. And, you know, people might, you know, put an asterisk because he does the armlock putter. Listen, I've been one of these people for a long time that says armlock, belly putter, you know, the broomstick, the claw, whatever your style is doesn't mean shit.

I have still never understood why we banned the belly putter so much and why golfers are trying to get rid of the armlock putters. Golfers are going to find different ways to change up putting because putting really at the end of the day is a feel. And if you're feeling uncomfortable over the ball when you're trying to putt, you're not going to make it. That's just how I've always viewed putting.

And he's you know Has that arm lock putter down again. It's just cuz you arm lock. It doesn't guarantee It's going in the hole every time you still have to get a feel for it. There's different styles of armlock Bryce is very Stiff, you know, his left arm is very straight to his shoulder. His right arm is pretty close to being the same He's very upright. You can see like Matt Kuchar has been doing the arm lock putter

as long as you know, Jesus Bryson's been alive it seems like probably you know exaggerating here but he's done now two different versions of the armlock. It's not traditional where it's up against his left forearm. I mean he's more crouched than Bryson DeChambeau and over the last two years he's gone what I guess you would call it a reverse. It's now on his right arm. I tried

Dumbing a puttering shaft here once to see how that would feel. I don't understand how he does that on a consistent basis. It just feels odd to me. Like you want the shaft to almost come off your forearm before you make contact. I don't know. But you know, I've seen him interview and saying that this is, this works. And that, you know, he would encourage people to try it. Again, it's, it's all a feel.

of what you're comfortable on the putting rig. You go traditional, blade putters, mallet putters, etc. And that's why I've never understood why the belly putter got banned from the tour. It just, I mean, realistically here, I think what the blessing in disguise was is that it brought us the armlock putter. But circling back to DeChambeau,

in the Masters and that Saturday afternoon, that back nine especially really ate him up. Ended Saturday on a high note. What was he like a hundred and twenty something out? Dumps it, one hops it in under the 18. You think he's kind of salvaged going into Sunday. He's only a couple behind, you know, Scottie's again.

putting a lot of pressure because he played phenomenal Saturday going into Sunday. Max Homa another guy he just kind of like just kept hanging around a guy that I just kept begging to try to get more birdies and one of these guys is just he just kept doing his par, par, par and he can't make up ground with just par's especially in the major. He didn't play bad and he didn't play great is how I viewed Max Homa and he is a great golfer.

This guy's going to win majors down the road. I really thought going into Saturday, this was going to be Max Holmer's first major. And I thought at least going into Saturday and Sunday, the winds dying down. So the conditions were more favorable for the golfers and I was expecting maybe some lower scores. And I mean, I was wrong on that part. And the other part that Max Holmer was going to come in.

Essentially try to light it up to win his first major and It just didn't happen. He just again just kept making pars I think he had a couple bogeys here and there from Sunday where he ended up dropping a couple spots, but again, just By the time he finally started kind of getting I think one or two birdies. It was just too And again to when Scott he's out here, you know finishes the Masters title minus 11

You gotta make a lot of birdies to keep up with it. I'm looking back at... I mean, Oberg was... 7 -under to finish the tournament. So, I mean, Scottie really pulled away. And when you look at the final round, I mean, Scottie shot 4 -under. Oberg shot 3 -under. Fleetwood was 3 -under. There was a lot of 3 -under rounds here. Not even a lot. Just a couple more. It's Al Torres.

Patton. Other than that it was a lot of even. Plus one, minus one. Max Oma finished plus one for round four. I mean he finished tied for third at minus four. You know tied for third in the majors. Outstanding. Wendy Leder finishes minus eleven though and you finished plus one for that round. I mean even if he shuts minus four he still is taking third place. Probably solo at that point if the night he's tied for second.

He really needed to do a lot of damage Saturday and Sunday to stick with Scotty and they just didn't have and you know Nothing that I think going into the PGA though. He needs to change it's Just kind of drain the putts gotta gotta say when they count when you're on in two and par fives and Birdies and pars

Part four is you're on in two. You got to make the birdies. You got to get it close. And then really it's the part threes. If you can get close on certain part threes, and sink those birdies, you start pulling away from the field, which is what's got it. And, so I mean, between D Chambeau really who blew up Sunday, it was back and forth Saturday. Again, the guy thought, Hey, this, this guy's he's out for revenge after last year, who again, you know, D Chambeau was.

up there with Brooks Kepkin and Phil Mickelson. Felt short. I thought Brooks and DeChambeau were going to go into this year's Masters out for blood. DeChambeau came out firing, Kepkin didn't. It's a Saturday and the wheels just started falling. Sunday was just not good for DeChambeau at all. But I mean, that's what makes the Masters fun to watch. Really all the majors in general.

Okay, so I wrote this down part of my notes. Do I really do I want to bring it up and talk about it? Yes and no and that's Tiger Woods at the Masters. Now everybody's got their own opinion on Tiger Woods on how did it go for it and I've agreed with what I've read from some golf analysts and I've disagreed with others and same with some of these social media people out there.

You know, I think some of the shit that's been said about how he was during the tournament was to just get likes and views and whatever. I think some stuff was wrong on a proportion. But anyways, I mean, Tiger Woods, the version that we saw at the Masters is not that weird. Typical Tiger Woods, who's now got many multiple Masters green jackets.

We saw glimpses of Tiger Woods and really here for Tiger, it's yes, will it be awesome to see him win another major? Of course, but this year I think mainly and I think he's got this set as his goal is. I mean, his goal has been to play what one tournament a month because I mean, he's still his body is still not 100 % from all the fusion surgeries.

physical therapy, just overall wear and tear. He even said to a reporter during the Masters, everything was. But the guy's still waking up at 4 a He's still working out. He's still going for his run. I mean, the guy's still doing his routine. I'm sure it's altered now at his age and with all his taking body parts. The guy is still doing what he's been doing for a long time. And.

What I noticed during the Masters was off the tee, you know, I saw glimpses of good drives, something got away, obviously. Tiger Woods, I think, has always been known for, you know, aggressive off the tee and sometimes puts him in danger. It's what has made him quite the artist to get out of dangerous and interesting situations on the golf course.

The biggest thing I think I noticed from Tiger Woods, the whole master, so it was his short game was on point. If he could get it close with his 56, 60 degree, whether he was in the rough, in the fairway, in the bunkers, you know, he put himself in position to succeed with his players. The putting again, just wasn't a hundred percent there. Like I mentioned before, with kind of the whole field of putting really wasn't.

so, I mean, that's definitely something for Tiger Woods to build off of. I would anticipate that's what we're going to see if he decides to play in the upcoming PGA championship. I think, I personally think he's going to give that one a go, but you know, time will tell. In a couple of weeks, we'll find out. and we'll see what happens.

PJ Championship here. But overall, I mean...

Tiger Woods definitely, you can definitely tell it's just not.

Not what we all want to see. You know, we want to see him dominate, but it's just, you know, maybe he's got one more in him. I hope he does. It'd be awesome to see. Again, this year, I don't know if that's going to happen. I think this is a year of just trying to get through the whole year without ending the season with more fusion surgeries, et cetera. I think the coolest part and the funniest part was,

playing Sunday, played with amateur from Ohio State, Neil Shipley, I believe it was. And I was reading this right before, or right after I got, flew back to Chicago here. There was an interview after his round and one of the guys, or reporters trying to get to just, I think get to know him a little bit better. And.

You know, typical question, who did you look up to to hit you? And I think everybody's always anticipating you. Anybody's going to really say Tiger Woods, at least if you're going to give multiple names, Tiger Woods is in the mix. And which would have led into probably I'm sure, well, then you got to play with them in your final round of the massive. And I think what was kind of comical was he did not say Tiger Woods. The guy he's looked up to is VJ Singh. I mean, another great golf.

I think that one threw that reporter off because there wasn't really a follow -up question after that. I think the reporter was semi -stunned there. I found it kind of comical. You're playing with Tiger Woods and you're first ever Masters in amateur and you're in the Sunday route and here you are paired with one of the greatest golfers in the history of the game.

The guy that got you into golf that you looked up to that you were probably watching all these tournaments looking out for him is BJ Singh who was in the field just didn't play well either. So yeah, so that's my take on Tiger Woods, the Masters and that whole little story there.

So let's let's shift gears here a little bit and let's talk Really Let's get let's I would like to just talk first about live golf and the big announcement recently which is now a big announcement I guess really for me because I'm in so this is and I'm not far from where the individual championship

tournaments gonna be at now which is at Bowling Brook Golf Club here. A lot of interesting takes I've seen this week on social media about Bowling Brook, why Liv decided to go there, etc. I got opinions on why other courses are probably not in the mix. I'm sure it has to be PGA Pro,

what's the word I'm looking for, kind of a influence there. I'm sure there are PGA pros who still do not respect or appreciate or favor or support live golf, which is fine. That's their freedom to do so. And I'm sure there's courses in Illinois that would love to host.

professional golf tournaments, whether it's live or the PGA tour and Here's live trying to stay in Illinois. They're Not at a rich harvest like they were the last two years. They're going to their time. They're looking Looking for a different venue. I don't know rich harvest Just didn't want them anymore or something whatever that case may be there So they end up at bowling bro, and for someone who's lived

threw up five minutes, less than 10 minutes from Bowling Brook Golf Club there. I've played it numerous times year after year after year. It's not a bad course to have a tournament at. And this isn't me being biased because it's not one of my top courses that I enjoy playing. It's a very challenging course. It's one of these courses where if you live in the area,

you play there and it's always windy no matter what the weather is. The wind definitely plays a huge factor in that course, makes it a little bit longer, definitely makes it tougher. The greens are quick already for public golf so you can imagine for the live tournament they're going to be even quicker. And the condition of the course is always extremely well and I think it was Barstool, one of those guys posted a video of

The driving range. And again, they're, you know, they're not from the area. So they don't understand that driving picture that they posted is from the other side of the range where a lot of the public will go just to hit balls. Not playing the range that they're going to use is the range is on the other side of the field where the clubhouse is. Where you hit balls before you go and play your 18. and it's a nicer stuff. It's not.

mats and a little chef. So, you know, I think a lot of people are trying to downplay it a little bit that it's not going to be that great. The course is not great for a professional tournament. I disagree. I mean, they, they have the T boxes to make the course longer for pros and there's a lot of challenging and fun holes out there.

It will be interesting to see how they do this with parking and stuff. It is a true native of Chicago. You got to wonder the parking scenario for anything. But I mean, the clubhouse is, you know, really nice. The bar restaurant is always good. And the area overall is very, is very good too. You know, if you're looking for stuff around the Bullingbrook area before, after you're going to the tournament.

And overall, I think, I mean, the courses, if you don't got your bag with you, you're just a spectator. I'm sure walking 18, 18 won't be that bad. So I'm intrigued. I, you know, I'm planning on trying to go one of the days to the lift tournament there in Bolingbrook. I mean, I would be stupid not to basically right in my backyard at this point. I got to go see AK everybody knows in the podcast. I think I'm a big supporter, but.

Also, a lot of my favorite golfers went from the BJ to live, which was Brooks Cockerill, Ian Poulter. I've always been a big fan of Pat Perez and so forth. So, and I would like to just see what the live tournament brings. I've been to BJ tournaments before, Conway Farms, Cockerill, WGC events out of Ohio.

So it'd be nice to see a live golf tournament. So again here for the people that are not from the area, it's not a shitty course. Yes, there are, I think nicer course, not even nicer. I think there are better courses out there. It also in the general area that they could play at. But this is not, it's not like they're going to play at some, you know.

dog track here in Illinois. The course is always pristine and I would anticipate it would be a fun tournament. I'm very intrigued to see how the pros from LookTour end up playing it. Is Rom going to obliterate the course or is the course going to get windy and tough and we're going to see some high scores there. We'll definitely see what happens there.

Alright so not live I guess it is live related and BGA related something that I've been I've noted I read Right you might have saw it on the channel This goes back maybe a month one and a half its comments that wind up now after last year's you us open win a kind of the Netflix show I've been

supporter of Windemar. I like his style of play and what he brings to professional wealth here. What I don't appreciate or I guess what I just didn't really like is his recent comments and not so much recent anymore but his comments a couple months ago that he would like to see the PJ go to a style where it's the top hundred in I guess the world.

at this point or I guess maybe just the PGA and he said he would like to see the bottom 10 or 20 relegated going in you know at the end of each season so basically you're at the bottom 20 you're relegated to I would assume the corn fairy unless he's thinking of another tour that would have to take place or go and work with the corn fairy and then you bring another which I mean at that point means you lose your tour card you go down you gotta

back the next 20 come up. I mean, so one, I have a hard time. I have a hard time with this for a couple of reasons. One is the guy is just recently won last year. He ends up on the rider cup. As we all know, USA doesn't win the rider cup. Not saying that this was specifically on him, but I'm just saying, you know, he's on the team and the team did not.

perform well, so he's a part of it. And then this year, so far in 2024, he's played, I think, in some of the smaller tournaments fairly well. The Masters, he did not play well at all. So I guess my take and where I'm getting at is like, he just recently became a big name in professional from last year's US Open.

But now he's kind of like... It's almost like he's trying to phase out the guys that are trying to take the same route as him. I mean, there's guys that... are trying to win a tournament here to make their name and presence known in professional golf like he did. And it's almost like he's just... I guess he's just like, you know, stay humble.

Don't, don't phase out these guys that have the same dream as that he did into making professional golf, making a lot of money, winning tournaments, winning majors, et cetera. And I'm saying, here, we're going to just only have the top a hundred golfers and every year 20 drop. And then we get a new 20. Like.

For me, because it came from him, a guy that just recently has become kind of a superstar in the PJ Tour after last year's US Open win, I've just knocked that shit up. Now if it was someone like Rory McRoy, who I think also has kind of said comments similar but just not to the exact...

degree with the hundred offers and so forth, or maybe even a Jordan Spieth, maybe. I don't know. I would still be, you know, it's just. Why are we trying to phase out the guys that have a dream, the same dream that they have? You know, we got guys in the corn fairy tour who are working their asses off just to get in the top 30 to get their tour card to show up in 2025, to start planning in tournaments and seeing, you know, if they can make their name.

So why are we trying to make that road tough? I just don't get that from the question we're talking about. A sport where we're trying to expand the presence worldwide from different generations, both from the men's and women's side, you know, and my issue is when Wyndham Clark and a couple of other, these guys in the PJ tour make these bullshit comments that.

To me, it just sounds like we're trying to make this more difficult for guys to get to the PG because we want to play the best of the best. For me, that's more sure. I mean, it just, you know, and people can argue with this one and it's fine. I mean, I'm sure there's valid reasons for the other side of it. For someone that, you know, I like seeing these guys, you know, like an Ashke, who's really trying to, you know,

He wins a tournament this year. He's one of those up and coming golfers that I get excited to see tournament, you know, for him in tournaments. You know, it's just, I don't get that from why these certain pros are again, trying to make it difficult for born fairy guys or guys that are aspiring to become professional golfers out of college and so forth. I just don't get it. My other take is like,

Hey, Windom, why aren't you fucking doing that? You know, every year, Torn Fairy, Top 30 get their tour cards and they go up to the PGA and you know, there's guys that do get relegated down. I mean, there's guys that went to live, I think they lost their tour cards. We all knew Ricky Fowler a couple years ago was about to lose his tour card and

You know, so I mean golfers do lose their tour card and guys from the corn ferry get to come up. It's a system we've been doing for quite, you know, for a while now. And so it's like, you know, to Wyndham Park, like you're aware of the strike. Like again, it's not a hundred golfers and we're moving up 20 and dropping 20, but it's, it's the same.

same damn process unless I'm missing something or I'm not aware of something. You know I don't know. Again it's just the comments that just didn't really sit well for me and mainly made from him just because again he's fairly new as far as being a bigger name of professional golf mainly because of his US Open win last year. He didn't win that. I think he's

known but his stardom is not as high as it is right now. And again if this came from the other golfers too I would have the same issue you know other than maybe like Arroy McArroy whose resume blows Wyndham Clark's resume out of the water right and I would still have an issue with it even if Arroy said it I would just kind of maybe respect it a tad more than what Wyndham said.

And again, Windows hasn't really done much so far in 2024, so... I mean...

We'll see how this year goes, but if you're going to make those comments and then we look at the, at the end of the year, and you're in the bottom 20, like you're going to be in your own damn words there. So, I mean, that's just the, in general, those kinds of comments piss me off is for, you know, just again, staying humble, enjoying being a star in the PGA tour. Cause again, it's, it's a luxury that not everybody gets. He gets it good for him. He's earned it.

But there's guys that are working towards that. Let's not make the road any harder than it is. It's already difficult enough to become a BGA pro. Why are we trying to make this even more difficult? So that's just my take here. okay. So last episode, got to interview, awesome caddy on the corn fairy tour, JP Perk.

And you know, he's canning for the corn fairy Austin. And so I've been kind of following along, what they've been doing the last few weeks. I got excited. I, this was a couple of weeks ago. so Austin hit, he was sitting 27th at the time in the points, 219 points so far, the corn fairy. And like I mentioned, the top 30.

get their tour card so Austin had a long season ahead of us and was sitting at 27 and he started off the year real well recently since the after their break he's had a couple of slow starts but I got excited at the I believe it was the Lecom Suncoast Classic he was going in

Going into Saturday, he was tied for for the round. I messaged JP, I DMed him and said, hey, you and Austin doing big things. Room for you guys Saturday, Sunday. Let's finish. Let's finish strong here. JP gave you a thumbs up. Unfortunately, that did not happen. But hey, you know, looking at what Austin's done and JP have done together this year so far.

And then against the long season ahead of them. We're definitely rooting for these two. And, you know, like we mentioned on the last episode when I was talking with JBA, hopefully we can get Austin on here, both of them at the same time, maybe towards the end of the season and kind of recap how the year went. Hopefully by that point, he's got his tour card. Maybe he can, you know, wave it on the screen here in front of us to show off here, but we're going to definitely keep.

Keep tabs on these two and really keep tabs. I'm going to start trying to get more in depth on the Corn Fairy side because I think there are a lot of good golfers that are going to make their way to the tour very soon. And getting to know who's out there right now on the Corn Fairy and watching some of these tournaments. That's kind of my game plan moving forward. I do want to get more in touch from the Corn Fairy side to share with everybody here.

Alright, so I think we've talked quite a bit of really the Masters, several different golfers, Liv going to Bolingbrook. I guess there's another thing, I guess before I wrap it up here, I forgot to mention the other big news of Liv. Golf is the

The news that they're gonna possibly go to four rounds starting possibly next year. I think it's still under it's still under consideration Now listen, I do not think this is I Don't want to say this I think this move is really mainly to just shut people I think people have really have shit on the

The guys that went to live, they're only playing three rounds so they can't figure out how to play four rounds of golf, win a tournament. Listen, Brooks Gupper goes to live, gets healthy, because he gets all that time off, which I think I've mentioned before on one of my episodes here. And we saw live guys play four rounds of golf last year. One of them ends up winning a major. They all played well, technically wrong.

wins a major too but he won it while he was still a PGA pro or PGA member not a LIT member. So it has nothing to do with these guys don't have the stamina to play four rounds in a row. I mean whoever pushes that narrative or whoever started the narrative is you know again kind of an idiot to be honest. I mean these guys are playing practice rounds.

Pro -ams and before the tournament started these guys are playing almost every god -blessed day So I don't understand where someone pushed the narrative that these guys can't play four rounds in golf They've been playing four rounds of golfs and four lifts no issues. All of them had won no issues

Biggest crock of shit comment that anybody's ever pushed. Again, I think that maybe it was just to stir up stuff. I don't know. It definitely worked. You can even see like, again, I'm circling back to Wyndham Park because I know he's done it before, but he's not the only one. There's other PGA golfers that kind of shit on some of the live guys that they can't compete to this level anymore because their stamina is only for three rounds of golf, not four. Again, I think that's just a stupid ass comment.

So there's moves to potentially four rounds. I think even the last week when I was watching one of the days, forget which day of the tournament it might've been Friday, David Faraday even said there's consideration that they might go five days. And I think that was more of just a comment shot back at all the haters saying, yeah, we go from three to five.

We're gonna prove you guys that these golfers do the same. I think realistically they're gonna end up at four. And I think it's realistic, you know, just really to shut people up. I think once it goes to four, this those stupid comments go away. And then at the end of the day, it's you take all this, the variables from Liv and PJ out of it and it's then four rounds of golf against four rounds of golf.

People don't like the team concept with Liv. I've grown to start to like it because it's not really a Ryder Cup team style per se. You're playing individual and you're collectively putting your, your scores together with the team. So even if you're down at the bottom of the tournament, you have really no reason to withdraw or really not try.

Because your team could be at the top. So it would be in your best interest for your team to play that third round at a high level to see if your team can then overall win if you guys are not in the individual winners. So I've kind of grown to like that because we see in the PGA Tour some guys that at least not some of the older golfers or I should say more seasoned experienced golfers we've seen it time to time. They make up a bogus bullshitted reason.

They don't make the cut or they barely make the cut. They're nowhere in contention. And then you see WD and they're certain. I got an ouch. this. I think truly that they're just. They bullshit that because they go, why do I want to be here? I'm not going to win and make the big money. I made the cut. So I'll just take my little chuck and get out of here early. I think that's kind of stupid. You know, I think that's just.

kind of BS. I mean it's your job, it's your profession. If I try to do that in my job, I'm pretty sure I get fired the next day. You know, I put in my effort every day. So that's the reason why I've kind of enjoyed the team concept part of live. It just keeps everybody from the top to the bottom in the tournaments.

But other than that, I mean, like I said, it's, it's, it would be four rounds of golf at a golf course versus four rounds, you know, at the live versus four rounds at a golf course at the BGH war level. And at the end of the day, I think that's all people care about is, and then, you know, hopefully at some point we're going to merge and really put all the noise to a rest. I think that at some point it's going to be here in the next year or two. We'll see it.

Until then we do still have Liv vs TGA and before they merge maybe we'll see a Liv vs TGA Ryder Cup style tournament. Well who knows, we'll see. Okay, now let's get towards what I think how I've always tended majority of my episodes here. When I say majority, I only got three so far. So, you know, not a lot here.

You know, I don't want to say they're my tips for amateur golfers, but stuff that I think amateur golfers can work on to help them improve stuff that I've worked on. I work on at home, whether it's in my office, in the backyard, I go to the range, whatever the case is. And, you know, again, I'm not a professional, I'm not a pro here. I'm not a certified teacher here.

So you take what I say, what a grain of salt here. If you do it and it helps, awesome. You know, let me know if you do it and you consistently try and something's not cooking. Reach out to me in the DMs. Maybe we can try to figure it out. If not, tell me my tips suck and that's, that's okay. One of the biggest things that you see on

Saturdays and Sundays with amateur golfers your weekend golfers is Trying to make different changes throughout the round and I think we see this a lot because again, I think my last episode I talked about Everyday golfers have everyday Potentially nine to five jobs office jobs, whatever it is golf is not our profession golf is

what we like to do for fun. And it's, so we just, you know, not everybody has the time to put in 10 hours into our shipping and our driving and our putting and so forth. I think we all wish we had the time and the money to do so, but we don't. And we see a lot of guys on the course trying to make swing changes, which in general for me, I've always.

try to tell people don't do it. Get through the round and what you're doing right now. At least don't make the drastic changes because it's really it's not the time or place the drastic changes have to happen on the range where you can just beat balls work on the mechanics. The mechanic change is what you know you're currently working on. But there are minor changes.

on the course to kind of help us along, at least get through the round when certain things aren't going right. And one of my biggest things, or changes I like to say that you can try to do on the course without practicing is really it's the ball placement in your stance. And I think certain level amateurs don't understand or grasp the concept of where the ball placement in your stance has to be.

for certain shots. I mean, in general, the ball towards your front foot, if you're a righty, it's towards your left. If you're the opposite, it's towards your right. You know, if the ball is further up in your stance, in general, the basic science around it, at least with your irons and stuff, the ball's gonna go higher up in the air. And the further back in your stance, you know, the lower the trajectory.

And what we see too, it's like.

Guys will consistently have the ball further up their stance for all their shots, even their wedges and so forth. You know, you get to like an eight iron and the ball is closer to their front foot than their middle of the stance or even their back foot. And what do we see? We see guys top it. We see him kind of do the pull tug a little bit. And why do we see that? It's because by the time that they had raised the grass,

They haven't made any contact with the ball as they're kindly the club is coming up is when they're making contact with the ball. Simple changes like that just moving the ball back in your stance I think really does make a difference. And it also will help amateur golfers understand because there will be times where you gotta put the ball low or hit the ball high and so forth and making that change in the ball position.

really does make a huge difference. A couple other just little tidbits here that I, you know, stuff that you can do as an amateur is holding off your follow through to kind of get like a lower, lower trajectory swing there. Basically it's like, you know, just as soon as you make contact, almost like trying to hold it off your swing. It's not finished all the way through. That is, you know, the way to

especially in these windy days, if you're at least in the Midwest, you know in the springtime, right now, we get windy rounds. I mean.

And this what I like to call the sawed -off follow through really will help in those certain rounds is keeping the ball low I mean the lower you can keep the ball in windy conditions, especially if you're playing a course where you're Got some tree coverage to the ball won't be as effective by the wind now if you're gonna hit the ball in the air The wind will start knocking it down pushing it to the right, etc.

So I mean, and that's again, the sawed -off fall through something that I think you should try to work on at the range, but it's definitely something where I don't think it hurt you if you all of a sudden did that on the course mid -rack, if you've never done it before. Another tidbit, again, this is, you know, I think I wrote this down after I just played nine holes in what.

Could have been like a friggin tornado felt like at times. Cause all of mine, I'm looking at my notes right now written down. It looked like they're all wind related. When you're on the tee box with your driver, maybe your three wood or even like a high, you know, four iron, three iron, three hybrid, whatever your case is. Everybody always tees up their balls really high or you see a lot of people do that. In general, teeing up your ball high, you know,

You see the long drive guys do it because that's gonna help them get the ball up in the air and stay in the air hopefully longer. Windy days, I don't think you really want to do that. You're trying to hit them low, you want the balls to roll if it's dry out. And seeing the ball low will definitely help do that. Another thing, but this is again, not something I would try on the course if you've never done it before. Your drivers are not clubs that we hit. They're trying to leak down on us.

was hitting up on to try to help the ball hit in the air. Tiger Woods is one of the few golfers still on tour this day that I believe still hits down on his driver which is a concept in my head I still can't wrap my mind around it but I started trying that last year and I'm known as a guy that hits the ball pretty high up in the air with most of my clubs so when I started kind of hitting down on this driver last year on a windy day

It was night and day for me. Ball was extremely low, shot out there. I got it to draw a little bit and ball ran out. It was mid summer, so it was dry out. It was a shot that I never thought I would have in my repertoire. Now I kind of do. It will get me in trouble here and there, but in general, just teeing up your ball low with your same swing does wonders. Discussion of windy days.

And again, like I said, I must have written this down after playing or practicing on a windy day because my last key is here. Understanding what the wind's going to do to your ball throughout the round. When it is over 10 miles per hour wind, that ball is going to move. Whether it's on the putting rain, you're in the fairway, the rough, or on the tee box. The wind will factor your ball movement. And I think understanding, you know,

Direction to the win understanding, you know what this could do while you're on the putting cream so forth I think in general will Help you You know get better scores lower scores hopefully Again, if they don't DM me tell me I'm piece of shit. Tell me I'm wrong if it works out DM me and tell me I'm awesome I'm just kidding, but I would be good to know if anybody out there does follow some of these tips I do provide

Again, these are tips that I get from my own swing coach and from other, just watching golf channel, all the different shows and stuff. So stuff that I also, I mean, I like practicing, I like one of the rates. So I do practice a lot of these different shots too. so if you ever do get the chance and you do get to go to the range, it's not a bad idea to try to practice a shot. You know, you might only need to use once in a round, but knowing that you have in your bag, just in case, cause you never know when you're going to need it.

That always works. That's kind of what I do. I go through a routine myself just to get ready and then I go through my when I call my bullshit swings shit that I hope doesn't happen around but if it doesn't I'm prepared I'm ready. So yeah, so that's all I got for you guys today. You know, we talked a lot. We got the EGA championship coming up here. So hopefully I'll this time around I'll

I'll record and I'll have an episode ready for you guys shortly right after the PGA tournament. Let me know what you guys think about those tips if you guys take them and as always, let's go low.



That's Too Bad - Episode 004 - Masters Hangover
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